George Michael Woke from Coma with Different Accent

When George Michael awoke from his three-week coma last year, he talked with a broad West Country accent.

George said it took two day to revert to his normal accent.

“I swear this is true,” George told London’s LBC radio station on Tuesday. “I came out of my coma talking in this West Country accent.”

“The doctors were worried that I had this condition where some people wake up speaking French or some language they learned at school,” he said.

Foreign Accent Syndrome is a rare medical condition in which people emerge from a neurological injury speaking in an entirely different accent.

“There’s nothing wrong with a West Country accent,” George said, “but it’s a bit weird when you’re from north London.

“My sisters, who were obviously so relieved that I’d actually woken up, were just laughing away at this stand up comedy.”

One thought on “George Michael Woke from Coma with Different Accent

  1. Is that why Madonna speaks with an accent, even though she was born in Bay City, Michigan? She wants to be a Britt, trying to fit in. She needs to go back where she came from, remember why she went to england, she did’ nt want her kids raised in the United States.

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