
Letter from George Michael’s Family

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George Michael’s sisters, Melanie and Yioda, have just posted a letter on George Michael’s official website

The letter starts off by saying they are still “struggling” with the loss of George, but “know we hear you, through your amazing and thoughtful messages and that you understand our loss, as we try to understand yours.”

The following appears to be positive news about the release of new material. The documentary, in particular, would be considered one of the projects George was working on. Melanie and Yioda write:

Our aim is to carry on, as we know Yog would have wanted, to share and enjoy his precious legacy and to continue to bring you joy – through his extraordinarily beautiful music.

David, along with Yogs loyal creative team, will continue bringing you all the projects they had been working so hard on for you, exactly as Yog would have wanted…

Please read the entire letter on the official site.

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About Melanie

Melanie is the co-founder of Yours Only George and has been the webmaster of the site since 1997. Melanie has been a George Michael and Wham! fan since "Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go" in 1984.

6 replies on “Letter from George Michael’s Family”

I am very happy to write a few sentences about you and to hear from Yog! Thank you for understanding that George means a lot to us. I know, love and adhere to her music, especially since her music since 1983! It is very difficult for me that George is gone, I can not believe it, I do not even want him because I listen to his music every day and he helps me with his words. Thank you for understanding this affectionate love! Pray to God and everything will be okay. George will be with us forever! With love: Irina from Hungary. ❤

Beautiful message from George’s sisters. Sometimes as fans you can forget that even though we lost someone so important to us, they lost a brother and his dad lost a son and all way too soon. I cant believe that it has been 20 years since Michael Hutchence died, I wonder if they knew each other? They must have done but I cant say I have ever seen any article or pictures together. In terms of who was the biggest star in the world in 1987/88 if George was the biggest solo star then INXS must have been the biggest band after they both cracked America. Personally I think that in PRECIOUS BOX George is actually talking about MH when he says “hotel motel makes it clear, one more voice we will never hear again, maybe he just wanted to be free”. I just keep hoping someone will say its all been a big mistake and we can get back to things the way they were 🙁

George we miss you

oh lovelies i got my GM songs wrong, i meant WHITE LIGHT! i think the 2 people he sings about are Amy Winehouse and Michael Hutchence, but thats just my guess!

Love and best wishes to all the “lovelies”, to George’s family and the memory of George himself. Thankyou so much
Dougie X

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