
George Michael Remembered One Year after His Death

“Melanie, did you hear? George Michael is dead!”

Shaking from head to toe in what must have been an adrenalin rush, I dashed to my computer. I don’t know why. The news came from Shannon who started this fan club back in 1986, so obviously it was true!

I have attempted, on various occasions, to write an article on what George Michael meant to me. What I’ve realized is that it would take my writing a book to be able to say everything I want to say.

The year that has followed George Michael’s death has been revealing to me on a very personal level.

Initially, I was struck by how few people understood what George Michael meant to me. Very few friends and family reached out to me.

George Michael was a part of my life for 33 years before his untimely death. My love of his music and writing is intrinsically linked to my friendship with Shannon.

Obviously, I take from this loss an understanding that life is short and you have to live your life in the moment. As a mother, I still struggle with this as there’s always a load of laundry or more homework to do.

Also, after George Michael’s death, it came to light how much money he gave to so many worthy causes. This did not surprise me in the least. I never met George Michael in real life, but I think this thoughtful, giving nature of his was why he had so many fans. It wasn’t just the beautiful music. It wasn’t just the heartfelt lyrics. It was that at his core George Michael was a warm, caring person, and that came across in his interviews.

So, yes, mourn the loss of George Michael today. Listen to his music, if you can. Remember concerts you attended. Read through the lyrics of your favorite songs. But, at the end of the day, see what you can give to someone less fortunate. Consider donating to George Michael’s favorite charities or donate to local charities.

George Michael lives on through his music, but he lives on through you as well.

Make a difference to those in need.

How did you celebrate George Michael’s life?

About Melanie

Melanie is the co-founder of Yours Only George and has been the webmaster of the site since 1997. Melanie has been a George Michael and Wham! fan since "Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go" in 1984.

By Melanie

Melanie is the co-founder of Yours Only George and has been the webmaster of the site since 1997. Melanie has been a George Michael and Wham! fan since "Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go" in 1984.

8 replies on “George Michael Remembered One Year after His Death”

although a sad day I have raised a glass for George, played his music, received 2 different G M calendars and received a beautiful framed portrait from my friend Denise. 34 years of following this man and his talent his music lives on. My thoughts are with his family and friends today

Late this Christmas Day afternoon, my husband and I were on the way to dinner at his brother’s house and “Last Christmas” came on the radio. I sang along at the top of my voice the entire song. I also related to my husband how George handled the production of the song nearly all by himself, including the jingle bells!
It’s funny, but on the way BACK home a really bad cover version of “Last Christmas” was playing…so very bad that I had to turn it off. Nobody but George could do it justice.
Thanks for your post to commemorate his passing and his brilliance as a singer and humanitarian.

What would the world be like if George hadn’t banged his head as a child and woke up with a new found obsession for music? I think I would have liked to have met him in a million alternate universes no matter what he ended up doing in his life. We just happened to live in the same reality as the wannabe singer-songwriter superstar who conquered the world in about 4 or 5 years (with the help of his friend Andy and maybe a few atoms of luck it does need to be acknowledged.) But I think the person who was George/Georgious would have been great to know regardless. I think there will always be people out there we can talk to about George simply because of how famous he became (which is good) but I’m relieved there’s other people out there I don’t need to even try to put into words what George and his music meant to me – for some of us it goes without saying (and its easier on the fingers!)

Once we heard him,whatever song/decade/incarnation that was ( for me it was 1996 the first CD I bought with my own earned money was FASTLOVE) we had found him. I LOVE music and have such a wide taste, since then though slowly but surely George was becoming more and more important to me and at some point in the last 10 years I think he had become the most important influence to me,even overtaking THE BEATLES which is no mean feat!

Who cares about lists of greatest this and greatest that,we listen to music because it moves us,but if ever any kind of list is put together whether it be to do with singers,songs etc this guy is on those lists – no matter what other music comes along between now and the end of time!

I’m devastated he isn’t here anymore, not that I even knew him or even ever saw him when he was here, but I took comfort just knowing he was still around. Always the hope of one more song,one more album,one more tour or even just an article or interview from time to time.

I even wish I could shake the hand of Mr “I’d know him a mile off and that is not George Michael!” and all he did was stick his head through the car with good but misplaced intentions!

What a story

Love and best wishes X

Dougie (a fairly late addition to the George party but got here eventually)

“Keep on funkin'”, is my way, as George sang to us!
This year I joined a campaign to make Last Christmas number 1 in UK singles chart. We got 3rd, maybe next year!

His song will stay eternally!

My lovely George means so much to me. I have been a loyal fan for around 38 yrs and always will. His music brings so much joy to my life and his brilliance in both lyrics and music never ilets you down… as a 14 yr old it was only in my dreams that I would see him one day but my dream came true when together with my husband flew to Verona for his symphonica concert in 2011… that was my happiest day ever after my wedding day and the birth of my kids! What magical moments to hear his passionate flawless voice so true and perfect. I was in heaven. I even managed to see him up close when he got out of the car to the concert venue… The close up picture is hung with my concert ticket.
Christmas 2016 will never be forgotten.. and Christmas will never be the same without George. It took me quite a while to not cry when I think of him … I still feel an empty space in my heart thinking about him… he was one very special person …. my next trip to England will be tobpay my respects and maybe attend a real tribute concert he really deserves… George brought so much joy to our lives xxxx

Honestly, I don’t remember there ever being a time where I wasn’t a Wham! fan. My first concert was at 8 years old which my mom and her friend drove us hours to get to in Miami, Fl, all because I’d been in love with him for what seemed like eons (Yeah, my mom seriously kicked ass with that gift as it was kept a secret until we were almost there. A car passed us with “Honk if you’re going to see Wham!” written in white shoe polish on the back window….they really let the honking commence. Needless to say I was a screaming mess when it hit me, lol”). That was 34 years ago. I truly didn’t want to even hear “Last Christmas” this past Christmas, then we have Andrew Ridgeley asking for us, the fans, to honor George by pushing that song to number 1. So, I did my part, I bought it, I played it over and over via head phones turned on low and NOT worn. What I DID do however was write my feelings out by re wording the lyrics to the song and paying it on my IG as a tribute. I will copy and paste it here:

This may be cheesy, it may seem stupid. Andrew Ridgeley has asked that, us, the fans make “Last Christmas” number one this year in tribute to George Michael. The song is still too painful for me. I hope no offense is taken at my infantile reworking of the lyrics that were written by a master, this is just where my heart is. #ripgeorgemichael #lastchristmas #lastchristmasnumberone #youarestillbeloved

Last Christmas, we all lost our hearts
But the very next day we wished it away
This year, as we drown in our tears
We’ll honor it as something special
(Repeat chorus)

Once bitten and twice shy
I keep my distance
But your loss still makes me cry
Tell me why
God called this angel home so early to fly?
Hell, it’s been a year
It still hurts inside me (Happy Christmas?) I’m unsure yet still I say it
With a whisper saying, “I miss you,” I meant it
Now, I know what a treasure we were given
If you stood before me now
I know I’d tell you again and again

(Repeat chorus)

A lonely room, me with red rimmed eyes
I’m wishing for you, to prove it was all lies
My God, are you really gone?
Me? I need a shoulder to cry on
The voice of an angel with a bottomless heart
A man under cover but this world tore you apart
Now, you’re with your first love you’ll never be lonely again

(Repeat chorus)

The voice of an angel with a bottomless heart
A man under cover but this world tore you apart
Maybe next year we’ll continue
We’ll continue to honor it as something special

Chichi did a BEAUTIFUL tribute. From one fan to another, I loved it and I cried with you as I am sure our beloved smiled down from heaven. I could not afford to go to concerts or buy records when I was growing up, but that did not prevent me from enjoying his gift of music, wholeheartedly. Only as an adult did I learn about Yog, the person, and that made me admire him even more. Isn’t it funny how a stranger can influence you for the rest of your life? Melanie asked above how I celebrate George Michael’s life. Well, with the world, as it is, the pandemic has take so much: businesses, jobs, lives. We need each other’s empathy more than ever. George had that in spades. I’m still poor, but I have love, time and compassion. It cost nothing to help my elderly neighbor take out her trash. It cost nothing to volunteer my time to do tax returns for the blind. It cost nothing to be nice and give someone hope. George’s music reminds of that, it also allows me to dream and it also makes me happy when I see despair around me, if just for a moment. My dream is to someday walk the same places George walked and wonder what he was thinking as he walked there. In the meantime I am honoring George’s memory by continuing to help others with the little that I do have. Thank you George, the world was a better place with you in it.

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