Eli Stone

Eli Stone Finale Tonight

Here’s just a reminder that the finale of “Eli Stone” is on tonight and make sure not to miss George Michael.ย  Although the show still hasn’t been renewed for a second season, I’m sure we’re all hopeful to see more of George Michael in the U.S. next year.ย  I’m including a few of the recent articles on “Eli Stone” and George Michael:

A Fond Farewell to Eli Stone

Which all leads to one last production number, one last vision of George Michael, and one last demonstration of how to juggle show-stopping whimsy and unabashed heart in a thoroughly winning package. This episode also is a perfect example of how to end a season when you’re not sure the show itself has a future. It leaves you hanging in all the right ways, convincing you there is much more story to tell even as it satisfies you that it has told the introductory chapter and wrapped it up as well as humanly possible.

Is It “Do Not Resuscitate” For Eli Stone?

I can’t say that the initial moments of its debut episode made me especially optimistic — a lawyer has hallucinations about George Michael? — but I’ve ended up enjoying Eli Stone, which ends its season tonight. ABC gave it 13 episodes to prove itself, and while its ratings were pretty iffy (it really only scored when following the season premiere of Lost and the post-strike premiere of Desperate Housewives), I’d much rather see a second season of George Michael music than, say, the renewed and dullsville Private Practice.

‘Eli Stone’ ends season

Eli Stone hauls out the big cliffhanger for its season finale, as the title character undergoes surgery to have his brain aneurysm removed. The episode touches on right-to-die issues as Eli falls into a coma, where he sees God, who looks a lot like George Michael (the singer has been popping up in Eli’s hallucinations all season).

About Melanie

Melanie is the co-founder of Yours Only George and has been the webmaster of the site since 1997. Melanie has been a George Michael and Wham! fan since "Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go" in 1984.

By Melanie

Melanie is the co-founder of Yours Only George and has been the webmaster of the site since 1997. Melanie has been a George Michael and Wham! fan since "Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go" in 1984.

9 replies on “Eli Stone Finale Tonight”

Hiya i love the show i think its amazing! Ive watched every week and with each show i love it more! i will be sad if its not renewed but with any luck it will come back and george will be a part of it! Its my favorite show ….im not a tv person but this show is great! I love george and im also a johnny lee miller fan so i hope its not over ๐Ÿ™ Keep the faith ๐Ÿ˜‰ 9

wow the show was amazing George looked so sexy and the song was perfect! I was on the edge of my seat and shed a few tears I hope they bring it back cause im hooked and wanna see more of george on there! ๐Ÿ˜€ George is a great actor im very impressed with his acting cant wait to see more of him ๐Ÿ™‚

I agree with you sure hope they have a second season and that they have George in it also/ I have not missed a show either and really thoughe George was great in it.
I am shocked in the USA that they are not permoting his CD “Twenty Five” more with his tour comming up. I got my cd throught the internet I have only seen 1 copy in 1 store and the other stores do not have any, that is a shame sure would like to see it go gold for him. George deserves it he is the best.

Oh… I lost all hopes that America will appreciate anything with the name “GEORGE MICHAEL” included anymore!!! just check out the Billboard album charts and you’ll see for yourself… sad

@ caramella
I agree with you about TwentyFive’s chart position in Billboard. I think it was not about “the lewd act” or Shoot The Dog. In fact George started to lose a huge audience in Listen Without Prejudice period. Faith era was an unbelievable success. But then, he did not want to be a part of popular culture. Actually he became a great popstar by using the concept! Popularity is the most important key for the business. We all know that GM has a unique talent. I mean the current condition is his own choice. George does not want to use any promotion methods. Eli Stone may help him, but no video, no new song…What about tour? No one see George singing a song in the US for years. When he was comeback with Patience, everything had been over already. If he is happy when seeing the chart position, no problem. But we wanna see GM on top position, because he always deserves it.

By the way, Eli Stone (Episode 11) was at #1 on Sunday (10 pm). I don’t understand what ABC hopes. Last episode has a 9,2 million viewer!
Thank you.

Absolutly loved Eli Stone!!! It was fantastic from start to finish. It even got better. The finale was brilliant. And George was amazing. Feeling good!!!

Now the cd sales, nobody knows nothing in this business anymore, that is for sure. His voice, his talent isn’t even compareble to what is selling these days. It isn’t about that it seems. Sad! I saw him play 25 live, then they will know what is real and what is fake. George Michael is the ultimate talent of his generation. Made mistakes but lives BRAVE!!! I want a new album in my hands, but does anyone buy them anymore.

I think the journey of Eli Stone is over ๐Ÿ˜ฅ

“The real problem for Eli is that without its live plus seven days of DVR usage numbers, it stinks it up in the 18-49 demo. I wonโ€™t be surprised if ABC cancels it, nor will I be surprised if they keep it and give it another try. The show is cute, the ratings are not. Itโ€™s certainly on the bubble, the only question is whether the bubble has burst. We wonโ€™t have to wait much longer to find out.”

hiya ty for the info on eli stone wow thats alot of viewers i sure hope it comes back its the best show ever ! Wonder if writting abc would help??? ๐Ÿ™„

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