“Melanie, did you hear? George Michael is dead!”
Shaking from head to toe in what must have been an adrenalin rush, I dashed to my computer. I don’t know why. The news came from Shannon who started this fan club back in 1986, so obviously it was true!
I have attempted, on various occasions, to write an article on what George Michael meant to me. What I’ve realized is that it would take my writing a book to be able to say everything I want to say.
The year that has followed George Michael’s death has been revealing to me on a very personal level.
Initially, I was struck by how few people understood what George Michael meant to me. Very few friends and family reached out to me.
George Michael was a part of my life for 33 years before his untimely death. My love of his music and writing is intrinsically linked to my friendship with Shannon.
Obviously, I take from this loss an understanding that life is short and you have to live your life in the moment. As a mother, I still struggle with this as there’s always a load of laundry or more homework to do.
Also, after George Michael’s death, it came to light how much money he gave to so many worthy causes. This did not surprise me in the least. I never met George Michael in real life, but I think this thoughtful, giving nature of his was why he had so many fans. It wasn’t just the beautiful music. It wasn’t just the heartfelt lyrics. It was that at his core George Michael was a warm, caring person, and that came across in his interviews.
So, yes, mourn the loss of George Michael today. Listen to his music, if you can. Remember concerts you attended. Read through the lyrics of your favorite songs. But, at the end of the day, see what you can give to someone less fortunate. Consider donating to George Michael’s favorite charities or donate to local charities.
George Michael lives on through his music, but he lives on through you as well.
Make a difference to those in need.
How did you celebrate George Michael’s life?